Party Ideas


Cocktail Party
Everyone brings an item to add in the cocktails


Girls Only Party
BYO, everyone puts in $5.00 & someone’s partner can play cabby, cheaper than a Taxi.


Mummies Only
While the children are at school, Mummy can play. (No Kids)


Wine Tasting Party
Everyone brings their favourite bottle of wine. It’s a great way to try new wines.


Divorce Party
Throw out the old and in with the sexy new wardrobe. “You go Girl!”


Birthday Celebrations
Everyone comes in or brings something that starts with B that has a funny or naughty story or meaning. Hey it’s all a little fun so you can make it up as you go along.


Bridal Shower / Hens Night
Everyone puts in a few $$$ to go towards something for the wedding night/honeymoon.


Spice it Up Party
Bring your partners… Enjoy the intimacy of choosing together.